Dark lip neutralisation lip blush is an innovative cosmetic procedure designed to enhance and even out lip pigmentation, particularly for those with naturally darker lips.

This treatment utilises a specialised blend of pigments to neutralise and correct discolouration, resulting in a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing lip colour. Unlike traditional lip tattooing, dark lip neutralisation lip blush focuses on achieving a natural-looking finish that complements the individual’s skin tone.

Ideal Candidates for


  • Individuals with Dark or Uneven Lip Pigmentation: Those with naturally dark lips or lips with uneven pigmentation seeking a more balanced and lighter colour.
  • People with Hyperpigmented Lips: Individuals whose lips have darkened due to genetics, smoking, or other factors.
  • Anyone Desiring a Natural Lip Color: Those looking for a natural, uniform lip color without the need for constant makeup application.
  • Clients Seeking a Confidence Boost: Individuals who feel self-conscious about their lip colour and want to enhance their overall appearance.
Dark Lip Neutralisation, Dark Lip Neutralisation, smp atelier, Canterbury, Kent
PMU Freckles, freckles tattoo at smp atelier, Canterbury, Kent

If you’re ready to achieve a more balanced, natural lip colour and enjoy the confidence that comes with it, we invite you to book a consultation with us here at SMP Atelier. We are dedicated to providing personalszed service and exceptional results tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward beautifully neutralised lips.


Dark Lip Neutralisation Blush




Colour Top Up


Required within 10 – 14 weeks from initial treatment


Colour Boost


Annual or Biannual touch up for existing customers only


Pre Treatment and Aftercare

For best results and to make the most of the procedure, it is important to follow the advice given below

Before the treatment

  • Avoid any blood-thinning medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, or vitamin E, for at least a week before the procedure.
  • Treatment cannot be performed if you are on antibiotics.
  • Do not take Ibuprofen on the day of treatment.
  • Minimise sun or UV exposure to the lips for at least one week before the lip blush procedure. Do not use sunbeds for 4 weeks before the treatment.
  • Do not swim, use sauna or perform any heavy exercise for 1 week before the treatment.
  • Please notify us well ahead of the treatment if you are taking any type of Acne medication or treatment.
  • Treatment cannot be performed if you are on steroids or Accutane or steroid facial cream.
  • A waiting period of 14 days following your Covid vaccine is required and no procedures should be performed between the first and the second dose.
  • Treatment can’t be performed if you have eczema or psoriasis on the treated area.
  • Treatment can’t be performed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding; you need to wait 4-6 months after giving birth or breastfeeding.
  • Treatment can’t be performed if you have diabetes.
  • Top up is highly recommended after 6-8 weeks, this is not included in the first treatment price
  • Refrain from waxing or threading the lips for at least a week before the procedure.
  • You must start exfoliating your lips at least 5 days before your treatment. Please do it at least 2-3 times a day with sugar and honey scrub. Also use very rich lip balm every day from now.
  • Do not consume alcohol or caffeine on the day of the procedure, as these can dilate blood vessels and increase bleeding during the lip blush procedure.
  • Avoid wearing any lipstick or lip gloss on the day of the procedure.
  • We highly recommend that you take cold sore antiviral tablets, such as Aciclovir 400mg, as there is a risk of getting a cold sore after a lip blush treatment. You can buy these at online pharmacies. You need to start taking them on your treatment day and 3 days after. Take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Please make sure to order well in advance.

After the treatment

Lip naturalisation healing time is fast – usually 3-4 days. The final colour appears only after full 4 full weeks.

After treatment your lips might swell or bruise. Swelling can last from a few hours to a few days. Bruising is rare but, if it happens, can last from a few hours to a week. If you bruise, you can take Arnica tablets.

Your lips may feel sensitive after lip blush treatment.

The colour of your lips after the treatment will appear much brighter than the final result. It will stay that way for 3-4 days. Your lips may feel dry and flaky but usually that stops by day 4. Once your lips heal and stop flaking (usually by day 4), the colour of your lips will have a much lighter appearance. This is normal, the final colour will appear once the full 4 weeks of healing have passed.

Day 1:

Wipe your lips hourly with sterile water (boiled and cooled down), and apply your lip blush aftercare ointment (given to you after the procedure). Wiping your lips is of utmost importance as it will help prevent scabbing. Never apply the ointment with a finger, use a cotton bud instead.

Day 2 onwards:

Cleaning with sterile water is no longer required but please continue applying the aftercare ointment for the full 4 weeks to achieve the best colour.

After the 4 weeks have passed continue applying for 1 more week.


  • Use toothpaste on day 1
  • Eat any spicy foods for few days after the treatment
  • Smoke for 24 hours after the treatment
  • Drink any hot drinks or alcohol through a straw while your lips are healing
  • Touch your lips with your hands while they are healing
  • Pick at your lips
  • Swim or use sauna for 5 days
  • Exercise or perform any other activities that cause heavy sweating for 5 days
  • Use any shop bought lipsticks or lip gloss for 1 week
  • Avoid stretching lips with big smiles or puckering while smoking, as these motions can apply tension and friction to the healing lip edges.
  • Avoid kissing for 7 days after the procedure.